Livia Benato - Chair
DVM MScR CertZooMed Dip ECZM (Small Mammals) MRCVSLivia Benato - Chair
Hana Bandouchova
Hana Bandouchova
Kathryn C. Gamble
Kathryn C. Gamble
Kathryn C. Gamble DVM, MS, Dipl. ACZM, Dip ECZM (ZHM) graduated from Texas A&M University 1989 (BS), 1992 (DVM), 1995 (MS in Veterinary Pharmacology). Initially serving as the Associate Veterinarian at the Dallas Zoo and Aquarium at Fair Park for 10 years, she became the Dr. Lester E Fisher Director of Veterinary Medicine at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, IL in 2002. Her American College of Zoological Medicine Diplomate status was achieved in 1999, and European College of Zoological Medicine Diplomate status in 2012, and she has mentored a residency since 2003 in Chicago and taught over 80 interns and preceptors between her two institutions.
David Guzman
Dr.David Guzman
Dr. Guzman received his veterinary degree from the University of Leon, Spain, in 2002. Dr. Guzman completed an Exotic Animal Medicine and Surgery Internship at Tufts University in 2005 and a Zoological Medicine Residency combined with a Master’s in Veterinary Medical Sciences at Louisiana State University in 2008. He served as a clinical instructor in Zoological Medicine at the University of Wisconsin until 2010, when he joined the Companion Exotic Animal Medicine & Surgery Service at UC Davis, where he is now a Professor of Clinical Companion Zoological Animal Medicine and Surgery and Service Chief. Dr. Guzman has published over 160 peer-reviewed articles, 30 book chapters and he is the editor of three textbooks. He is board certified in avian and in small mammal medicine and surgery by the European College of Zoological Medicine and is also board certified by the American College of Zoological Medicine.
Rüdiger Korbel
Dr. med. vet., Dr. med. vet. habil., Dip ECZM (avian), Cert. Spec. Vet. Ophthalmol., Cert. Spec. Poultry Med. incl. Pet, Wild Birds & RaptorsRüdiger Korbel
Chair & Director Clinic for Birds, Small Mammals, Reptiles & Ornamental Fish @ Center for Clinical Veterinary Medicine, LMU University of Munich/Germany
1999 – 2003: Assoc. Prof. @ The Raptor Center, University of Minnesota
1999 – 2000: Visiting Prof. @ Clinic for Poultry, Vet. Med. Univ. of Viennna/Austria
Special fields of interest:
Exotic animal ophthalmology
Visual Perception & related animal welfare aspects
Avian anaesthesia & orthopedics
Development of interactive teaching programms
Medical photography
Dean Konjević
Dean Konjević
Dean Konjević was born in 1974 in Zagreb, Croatia, graduated in 2000 from the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb, and received PhD in 2009. In 2010, he became a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine. He is a scientific advisor in the field of veterinary medicine. In 2013, he was elected as Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, and Associate Professor at 2018. From October 2016 to October 2022, he served as Vice Dean for Science and for part of the mandate, as the Deputy Dean. His areas of scientific interest are diseases and management of wildlifes, epidemiology and comparative odontology. He is a member of the editorial board of Croatian Veterinary Record and the European Journal of Wildlife Research, as well as of review board of the Frontiers in Veterinary Medicine. He was guest editor of the special issue of “Wildlife Host-Pathogen Interactions” in the journal Pathogens.
Frank Künzel
Frank Künzel
Frank Künzel graduated from University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Austria) where he also completed his Doctoral thesis. Afterwards he joined several Universities in Germany, Switzerland and Canada. Since 1998 Dr Künzel serves as the Head of the Service for Small Mammal Medicine at the Vetmeduni in Vienna. His research interests include, among other topics, infectious diseases and endocrinology. Since 2012 he is Head of the Working Group on MDRO (Multidrug-resistant Organisms) – Companion Animals. He completed his post doctoral lecturer’s thesis on the topic of encephalitozoonosis in 2016. Frank Künzel is Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Small mammal) and he has published in a variety of journals and lectures internationally.
An Martel - LOC
DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECZM (Wildlife Population Health)An Martel
An Martel is veterinarian, research professor and the chair of the division of zoological medicine at Ghent University, Belgium. She heads Wildlife Health Ghent, with research in infections affecting wildlife populations in a One Health context. Major topics are emerging mycotic and bacterial infections with an impact on natural populations of small mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Several novel disease entities have been discovered by this group (a.o. Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in urodeles, diphteric hedgehog disease, devrieseasis in lizards).
Véronique Mentré
Véronique Mentré
Andrei Mihalca
Prof., DVMAndrei Mihalca
Mark Mitchell
DVM, PhD, MS, DECZM (Herpetology)Mark Mitchell
Mitchell received a DVM and an MS in wildlife epidemiology from the University of Illinois in 1992 and 1997, respectively. He completed a PhD in wildlife epidemiology at Louisiana State University in 2001. He has spent his entire career working as a professor of zoological medicine at these 2 institutions and
has authored more than 800 book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, scientific abstracts, proceedings, and lay articles. He is a past president (2000-2001) of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, a former coeditor in chief of the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine (2005-2019), a former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery (2009-2021) and currently servs as editor in chief of the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery (2021-present). Mitchell is also the first recipient of the ARAV Excellence Award (2016).
Yedra Feltrer Rambaud
DVM MSc (WAH) MRCVSYedra Feltrer Rambaud
I graduated at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and gained the MSc in Wild Animal Health from the Royal Veterinary College and ZSL in 2001. I worked in primate sanctuaries in Africa and took part in zoo and wildlife research and conservation projects in Europe, Africa, India. I am a founder and vice-chair of the EAZA Reproductive Management Group (RMG) and a founder and lead veterinary advisor for the IPHP (International Primate Heart Project). I am the veterinary advisor for the Mangabeys and the Afro-Eurasian Monkey TAG and reproductive advisor of the Hyenid and Canid TAG. I am a de facto diplomate of the ECZM Zoo Health Management specialty, I am a member of the ECZM Scientific committee. I am also an associate editor for the Veterinary Record Case Report and the Veterinary Medicine and Science Journal.